
Results 10 issues of 不见月

- [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/issues) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. ### Version 1.7.7 ### Environment Windows10, Chrome 102.0.5005.115, Vue 2.6.14 ###...


## Changes * Support column draggable * `SortButton`, `FilterButton` and `ResizeButton` are no longer rendered when column type is selection.

I found that when the selection is updated (change from one selection to another, rather than unselected to selected), the property panel on the right is not updated, which will...

I learned in this [issuse](https://github.com/vuejs/core/issues/1866) that Mixins for `setup` method is not supported in Vue3, but is supported by default in composition-api to make it work. This may cause an...

### Vue version ^3.2.45 ### Link to minimal reproduction https://sfc.vuejs.org/#eNqFks9ugzAMxl/Fy6WdVMgd0W5TpZ33AFwoGJo2JFES6AHx7nOAUfb/BHbsn/N9Ts9ejIm7FlnCUldYYTw49K05ZEo0RlsPPVisYIDK6gY2VLpZjo5a+VwotPNhzJdMYFJhpgqtHDHP+gb7QNpWuXT4mKmUT/NoEgUeGyNzjxQBpKfWe63guZCiuO4zNrc/hG/GxhoAr+taIkTQ9xN/GMZmPnVPpPsVk1ATFWchS4uKoGta5tNSdNBFoprHLWMA3qzuRInlqBeVn/Ipp45pyF02xSlftLAdm5yKmtzEF6cV2dyP8+YDl7EExkzIkWchztjZe+MSzl1VBCMvLta25vQX21Z50WCMrolOVt8cWX0hym7F4JTs0EYks0SL9i/ml9Jv3IAlWweS8mm3q/cic1WTaUHL8nagxIpKyTnj0klfMPU4u/+UwElriTmtHobD9p/n4KQO+Z/W9EFcres1l/KUF9ff1zXz1psa3gFE5As4 ### Steps to reproduce 1. open the reproduction link 2. click the toggle button 3. observe whether the slot content...

:lady_beetle: bug
feat: slots
🔩 p2-edge-case

`vite-plugin-vue-inspector` provides me with great development experience. But sometimes, I have to obtain the position information of the node element on the source code at runtime (after the product is...

For example, for `.vue` files, we allow exporting in this way `export { default as Component } from 'Component.vue'`, it may look like this in the configuration ```js { '*.vue':...