Ayush Shrivastava
Ayush Shrivastava
i have also tried giving a **height = '100%'** as a **default** to the the **ReactApexChart**
@mj12albert For some reason i get some errors on the above stackblitz link - but whenever i try to use **Pagination** like below the component crashes https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-swc3mv?file=src%2FPagination.tsx,src%2FApp.tsx,src%2Findex.tsx
@siriwatknp Wouldn't it be right to do a add a null check on the code on your side? actually i am passing default color as **'brand'**(our overridden colour) and without...
Guys any update on this @mj12albert @siriwatknp
@ZeeshanTamboli so there's no other way to get around this without the ThemeProvider right?
@MBilalShafi / @michelengelen Hi, from which version of **@mui/x-data-grid-premium** this fix is available?