Arnaud Gomes
Arnaud Gomes
…ame files at the same time
Currently the output of cron jobs is sent to the user running the job, that is usually either root or alterncpanel. It would be nice to be able to override...
When updating a DNS zone, AlternC writes out all subdomains, not only the subdomains of the current domain. This commit adds the missing filter.
BIND 9.16 (in Debian bullseye and buster-backports) allows automatic signing of DNS zones by adding `dnssec-policy default;` to the zone definition. It should probably be the default sometime in the...
Hello, The Service Status Details view truncates the Status information column (in my case, it is the rightmost displayed column) to fit the table into the browser width. Wrapping the...
The postfix templates contain this kind of snippet: ``` user = %%db_mail_user%% password = %%db_mail_pwd%% hosts =%%dbhost%% ``` This should probably be replaced with a (hardcoded): ``` option_file = /etc/alternc/my_mail.cnf...
Lors du passage d'`alternc.install`, «le dernier mod_php installé» est activé sans tenir compte de la configuration existante d'apache (`a2enmod php8.2` sans `a2dismod php7.4` par exemple). Ça casse complètement apache. Il...