Alessandro Aimi
Alessandro Aimi
### .pcap tracing (Issue #87): - helper/lora-helper: Extending class to support promiscuous traffic sniffing using .pcap files. Implementation follows the one in PointToPointHelper base Ns-3 class. Check EnablePcap() Ns-3 docs...
This pull request is meant to fix the problem brought up in issue #150 `NetworkServerHelper::Install` used to implicitly create a point-to-point connection between gateways and the network server. Specifically, this...
# lorawan: Ongoing changes to the module The lorawan module is going through a series of changes. The present issue is raised to document and list future changes and changes...
Currently the documentation is uploaded to but * the [module documentation]( page is not displaying correctly * all Doxygen links - other than the main page and the ones...
Quick fix for the problem raised in issue #44.
In the LoRaWAN MAC protocol specifications, in the LoRa devices PHY hardware abstraction layer libraries, in the gateways' packet forwarder protocol code and in the network server configurations and internal...