Goran Košutić
Goran Košutić
I don't know if something changed in the meantime, but this works: ``` var binaryDataBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(1), binaryDataArray = new Uint8Array(binaryDataBuffer); clientInstance.onmessage = function(event) { var data = new...
Hi, I also have this problem when I try to do `require('mock-socket')` in my code. I can load the bundle in the browser and there I'll have window.MockWebSocket etc. but...
To answer my own question, I loaded the bundle in the browser (in my case through Karma) and have the modules available as globals. As far as I can tell,...
Hi, I've sent you a PR related to the dependencies/dev dependencies issue. I've left the shrinkwrap and socket.io issues alone, since other libs could also use an update. You can...
Thanks. There are I think other issues with it, but I didn't have time to check it out. In general, I developed this for something else, where in the end...