👋 Hi, I'm Noma Md Kislu

Results 2 comments of 👋 Hi, I'm Noma Md Kislu

Thank you. after 22 or 23 epochs , I am facing the error: tensorflow/core/kernels/data/generator_dataset_op.cc:103] Error occurred when finalizing GeneratorDataset iterator: Failed precondition: Python interpreter state is not initialized. The process...

Epoch 00023: saving model to C:/Users/3DSVA-PC-1/RetinanetTutorial/TrainingOutput/snapshots\resnet50_pascal_23.h5 Epoch 00023: ReduceLROnPlateau reducing learning rate to 1.0000000116860975e-08. 100/100 [==============================] - 1872s 19s/step - loss: 2.1196 - classification_loss: 0.2780 - regression_loss: 1.8416 2020-09-25 00:12:21.876334:...