Using the latest release of DanbooruDownloader (3.2022.04.06), I noticed that it is unable to parse colored tag classes on Gelbooru. It does seem to see that there _are_ colored tags,...
ツイッターアカウントが大量の動画をもってその全てをダウンロードしたら、約481MBでZIPができて最後のメディアツイートの番号から再スタートできます。ですが、ZIPができた後その使ったメモリがまだ利用状態になってしまいます。この状態なら、スタート際約1GBのメモリが減ってしまいます。尚、完了の後twMediaDownloaderを閉じてもメモリがまだ利用状態らしいです。そのタブを閉じてもおなじことらしいです。Firefoxごと閉じたらメモリがやっと明けられます。 これは何とかないますでしょうか?作ってくれてありがとうございます。とても便利です!
This updates the checkout for Github Actions to v4 in order to avoid running into impending deprecation and failure of the actions.
Hey there. I had a build on Coriolis for a jump-focused Diamondback Explorer, but when I went back to it I found the shortlink was broken (sorry, I don't have... indicates that this library is licensed under an MIT License. and the headers of the actual code files indicate that this library is licensed under a GPL v3...
### The problem When in the commit summary field, if you accidentally press the default Notepad++ shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+A) instead of just SHIFT+A, GitHub Desktop will tell Notepad++ to open every...
This fixes the example sketch so that it will not only compile on the ESP8266, but will also compile on any other AVR board which lacks a Serial.printf function. Resolves...
For portability across multiple Arduino platforms, it would be best if EwmaT used `uint32_t` internally instead of `unsigned int` as the width of the latter varies between the ESP8266 and...
Updates gameversion enums to support GTAV 1.0.3351.0. I know that we're moving towards using `Game.FileVersion` but since a lot of scripts out there still use the older paradigm and it's...
So recently (within the past two weeks?) a change was made that shoved advertising into the "What's happening" panel. I noticed it because I have that panel set to Japan,...