I wonder how the reported DSP usage values were defined for each effect? I understand that the `dsp` field values are hard-coded in the `js/effectslist.js`, the reported usage percentage is...
I wonder if anyone has figured out where does a "DSP requirement" value per effect come from? It could be seen in ToneLib per installed effect's properties. Also these values...
Below is an aggregated list of effect modules (ZD2) defined across the G1/B1/A1(X) FOUR type of pedal hardware (as opposed to G5n hardware type). The list mostly coincides with what...
Not an issue, just sharing some findings. Out of curiosity, I listed the G1 FOUR standard patches to show which types/categories of effects are being chained in a patch. Interestingly,...
In addition to effect's icon [ref: #52], the ELF part of the ZD2 contains several other icons: {`CategoryIcon_{cat}` and `AddDelIcon_{cat}`} ``` readelf -a -W SOFTEC3S.ZD2.elf | grep -e "0420" -e...
Just stumbled upon an unexpected finding -- it appears that the ZD2 for __B6 model__ (`*88.ZD2`) have a category taxonomy that differs from the usual one, as applicable to most...
It appears that the G11 (G6/B6 likely too) model references additional effect categories: |cat-id|cat-xid|cat-name|notes |------|-------|--------|----- |26|`0x1a`|SND-RET|Send/Return |27|`0x1b`|IR|Impulse Response The IR category name is __tentative__, as the category is only referenced...
Just FYI... Looks like there are several orphaned blocks (not linked to any file start-block) present in the original firmware update for quite a few pedal models. I checked G1...
There seem to be no ZD2 modules which reference ACOUSTIC category. Where does this category (and its id) originate from?
Anyone has any ideas about the data represented by the bytes 0x8-0xF in the ZD2 files? These are the 8 (mostly non-zero) bytes following the file magic string. These bytes...