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Aggregated list of effect modules

Open nomadbyte opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Below is an aggregated list of effect modules (ZD2) defined across the G1/B1/A1(X) FOUR type of pedal hardware (as opposed to G5n hardware type).

The list mostly coincides with what Zoom references for H8/R20 devices but with a few additional delays, cabinets, and X-pedals (H8/R20 don't support that).

In the list, w denotes the wide-effects (take multiple pages of params), B:Bass, A:Acoustic sets, otherwise it's G:Guitar implied, which includes common effects like ZNR. Effect name follows the effect's id; version, size, and DSP usage are also listed. It's possible to pull the effect descriptions but this would make the list excessively verbose. Instead, it may be more straightforward to refer to respective PDF effect references for G5n, B3n, A1X FOUR by the listed effect name.

In case anyone wonders about the stats: 303 ZD2 modules, total size: 7.2MB.

  • DYN: 16 (343.1KB)

  • FLT: 44 (740.9KB)

  • DRV: 39 (977.2KB)

  • AMP: 25 (1090.3KB)

  • CAB: 35 (1092.1KB)

  • MOD: 45 (943.2KB)

  • SFX: 9 (180.1KB)

  • DLY: 23 (505.6KB)

  • REV: 17 (340.3KB)

  • PDL: 22 (393.3KB)

  • AGM: 28 (765.3KB)

  • B (Bass): 69 (1707.5KB)

  • A (Acoustic): 66 (1609.6KB)

As such this list would NOT fully fit into G1/B1/A1X FOUR pedals, which only allow for 2.9MB of internal block storage. Oh, well, this little memory won't even fully fit the specific model-defined set thus requiring users to manage uploads and make those "sacrificial choices" etc.

Perhaps, someone may find a way to crystalize/curate this list into a more concise but still versatile sub-list(s) which would fit fully into the 2.9MB (~100 modules at average 30KB each). I understand not everyone needs to carry the whole variety in each of the categories, apart from the similarities and emulation strength of certain effects.

G1/B1/A1(X) FOUR
    COMP.ZD2       13390 1.40  6.06% DYN "0x01000010.Comp"
    RACKCOMP.ZD2   17444 1.40  7.93% DYN "0x01000020.RackComp"
    SLWATK.ZD2     26806 1.50  5.88% DYN "0x01000030.SlowATTCK"
    ZNR.ZD2        26307 1.50  4.73% DYN "0x01000040.ZNR"
    MUTESW.ZD2     25898 1.40  7.76% DYN "0x01000050.MuteSW"
    GRAYCOMP.ZD2   17632 1.40 21.93% DYN "0x01000060.GrayComp"
    N_GATE.ZD2     24041 1.40  7.40% DYN "0x01000070.NoiseGate"
    OPTCOMP.ZD2    14380 1.50 13.82% DYN "0x01000080.OptComp"
B   BLACKOPT.ZD2   24887 1.40 15.51% DYN "0x01800010.BlackOpt"
B   LMT1176.ZD2    27394 1.50 14.62% DYN "0x01800020.LMT-76"
B   160_COMP.ZD2   15903 1.30 13.73% DYN "0x01800030.160 Comp"
B   DUAL_CMP.ZD2   15221 1.30  8.83% DYN "0x01800040.DualComp"
B   MB_COMP.ZD2    30088 1.30 22.65% DYN "0x01800050.MB Comp"
B   DCOMP.ZD2      24570 1.30  6.15% DYN "0x01800060.DYN Comp"
B   GLAMCOMP.ZD2   20580 1.20 13.82% DYN "0x01800070.Glam Comp"
A   ADVNR.ZD2      26774 1.00  5.35% DYN "0x01a01000.Adv.NR"
    AUTOWAH.ZD2    16034 1.40  7.67% FLT "0x02000010.AutoWah"
    RESONANC.ZD2   16039 1.40  8.65% FLT "0x02000020.Resonance"
    CRY.ZD2        15076 1.40  6.42% FLT "0x02000030.Cry"
    SEQFLTR.ZD2    19674 1.50  9.27% FLT "0x02000040.SeqFLTR"
  w GT_GEQ1U.ZD2   18332 1.20  6.42% FLT "0x02000051.Gt GEQ"
  w GTGEQ71U.ZD2   17772 1.20  6.24% FLT "0x02000054.Gt GEQ 7"
  w STGTGE1U.ZD2   17289 1.20 11.68% FLT "0x02000061.St Gt GEQ"
    PARAEQ.ZD2     15460 1.40  5.53% FLT "0x02000070.ParaEQ"
  w PARAEQ2.ZD2    14882 1.00  4.81% FLT "0x02000071.ParaEQx2"
    RNDMFLTR.ZD2   16860 1.40  8.92% FLT "0x02000090.RndmFLTR"
    LOWPASSF.ZD2   17112 1.40  8.83% FLT "0x020000a0.LowPassFL"
    EXCITER.ZD2    13371 1.50  9.45% FLT "0x020000b0.Exciter"
    STEP.ZD2       14823 1.40  8.65% FLT "0x020000c0.Step"
    LFO_FLTR.ZD2   16286 1.40  9.36% FLT "0x020000d0.LFO FLTR"
A   AG_PUSL.ZD2    11816 1.00  7.40% FLT "0x02400001.AG PU SEL"
A   DPZ_BA.ZD2     15377 1.00 10.52% FLT "0x02400010.BaDePiezo"
A   FISH_EQ.ZD2    21244 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02400020.Fish EQ"
A w BAGGSEQ.ZD2    30831 1.01  9.36% FLT "0x02400030.Baggs EQ"
A w BONE_EQ.ZD2    28379 1.01  9.36% FLT "0x02400040.Bone EQ"
B   B_ATWAH.ZD2    13797 1.30  7.71% FLT "0x02800010.BassA-Wah"
B   Z_TRON.ZD2     14791 1.30  6.96% FLT "0x02800020.Z Tron"
B   A_FILTER.ZD2   16324 1.30  7.85% FLT "0x02800030.A-Filter"
B   BA_CRY.ZD2     15248 1.30 10.52% FLT "0x02800040.Bass Cry"
B w BA_GEQ1U.ZD2   17340 1.10  5.88% FLT "0x02800051.BassGEQ"
B w STBGEQ1U.ZD2   19836 1.10  7.98% FLT "0x02800061.St Ba GEQ"
B   BA_PEQ.ZD2     14700 1.30  4.55% FLT "0x02800070.BassPEQ"
B   SPLITTER.ZD2   14816 1.30  6.06% FLT "0x02800080.Splitter"
B   LOW_EQ.ZD2     14325 1.30  4.81% FLT "0x02800090.Low EQ"
B   HIGH_EQ.ZD2    15352 1.20  3.61% FLT "0x02800095.High EQ"
B   ENV_FLTR.ZD2   30621 1.20 14.27% FLT "0x028000a0.EnvFilter"
A w EQ_HARM.ZD2    15765 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02a00160.Hm GEQ"
A   AWAH_HM.ZD2    16203 1.00  9.63% FLT "0x02a00162.Hm A.Wah"
A   HARM_PRE.ZD2   12854 1.00  4.01% FLT "0x02a00164.Hm Preamp"
A   B_MIC.ZD2      22167 1.00  9.81% FLT "0x02a00166.Hm Bullet"
A w EQ_AVN.ZD2     16750 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02a00280.A.Vn GEQ"
A w EQ_EVN.ZD2     15867 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02a00282.E.Vn GEQ"
A   AWAH_VN.ZD2    17301 1.00 10.34% FLT "0x02a00284.Vn A.Wah"
A   PZPREVN.ZD2    16002 1.00  6.55% FLT "0x02a00286.VnDePiezo"
A w EQ_TP.ZD2      18488 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02a00380.Tp GEQ"
A w AWAH_TP.ZD2    16901 1.00 10.17% FLT "0x02a00382.Tp A.Wah"
A w EQ_SAX.ZD2     15744 1.00  6.77% FLT "0x02a00410.Sax GEQ"
A   AWAH_SAX.ZD2   16124 1.00  7.67% FLT "0x02a00412.Sax A.Wah"
A w ATK_FLT.ZD2    23187 1.00 13.82% FLT "0x02a00414.SaxAtkFlt"
    ANTI_FB.ZD2    11485 1.00  5.80% FLT "0x02fffff0.Anti FB"
    TS_DRIVE.ZD2   18793 1.40 17.12% DRV "0x03000010.TS Drive"
    EP_STOMP.ZD2   17262 1.40 14.09% DRV "0x03000020.EP Stomp"
    RCBOOST.ZD2    21931 1.50 16.40% DRV "0x03000030.RC Boost"
    GOLD_DRV.ZD2   31233 1.30 22.83% DRV "0x03000040.GoldDrive"
    SWEETDRV.ZD2   29241 1.30 30.76% DRV "0x03000050.SweetDrv"
    DYNDRIVE.ZD2   30178 1.30 22.73% DRV "0x03000060.DYN Drive"
    REDCRUNC.ZD2   21666 1.30 19.08% DRV "0x03000070.RedCrunch"
    MTLWRLD.ZD2    27652 1.30 13.91% DRV "0x03000080.MetalWRLD"
    TB_MK15.ZD2    39503 1.30 21.76% DRV "0x03000090.TB MK1.5"
    OCTFUZZ.ZD2    26359 1.30 33.43% DRV "0x030000a0.OctFuzz"
    SPTBOOST.ZD2   18298 1.30 15.43% DRV "0x030000b0.SpotBoost"
    ACOSIM.ZD2     26014 1.30 13.91% DRV "0x030000c0.Aco.Sim"
    NYC_MUFF.ZD2   17440 1.40 15.16% DRV "0x030000d0.NYC Muff"
    BGTHRTTL.ZD2   23761 1.30 29.07% DRV "0x030000e0.HG THRTTL"
    BG_GRID.ZD2    20196 1.30 17.83% DRV "0x030000f0.BG GRID"
    DIST_1.ZD2     24865 1.30 15.78% DRV "0x03000120.DIST 1"
    SQUEAK.ZD2     24661 1.30 13.64% DRV "0x03000130.Squeak"
    UPOCTBST.ZD2   21678 1.20 18.90% DRV "0x03000140.UpOctBSTR"
    OUT_BST.ZD2    19605 1.20  5.80% DRV "0x03000150.OutputBST"
    DISTPLUS.ZD2   22665 1.20 13.82% DRV "0x03000160.DIST Plus"
    ZEN_DRV.ZD2    26107 1.20 19.61% DRV "0x03000170.Zen O.DRV"
    VIOLETDS.ZD2   30710 1.20 14.80% DRV "0x03000190.VioletDST"
    WAVSHPR.ZD2    35035 1.00 29.96% DRV "0x03000230.WaveSHPR"
    RAZORDRV.ZD2   21136 1.00 22.65% DRV "0x03000240.Razor DRV"
B w BA_DRV1U.ZD2   40544 1.00 16.23% DRV "0x03800011.Bass DRV"
B w DIPLUS1U.ZD2   38278 1.00 16.05% DRV "0x03800021.D.I Plus"
B w DRKPRE1U.ZD2   48405 1.00 27.64% DRV "0x03800031.Dark Pre"
B   BASS_BB.ZD2    17092 1.20 14.98% DRV "0x03800040.Bass BB"
B   DI5.ZD2        20182 1.20 18.72% DRV "0x03800050.DI-5"
B   BA_PRE.ZD2     18900 1.20 19.08% DRV "0x03800060.Bass Pre"
B   B_OD.ZD2       15135 1.20 14.98% DRV "0x03800070.Bass OD"
B   BA_TSDRV.ZD2   18894 1.20 17.47% DRV "0x03800080.BassTsDRV"
B   DARK_OD.ZD2    34355 1.20 23.18% DRV "0x03800090.Dark OD"
B   BBB_OD.ZD2     34998 1.20 20.33% DRV "0x038000a0.BlueB BOD"
B   VOODOO_B.ZD2   35115 1.20 20.28% DRV "0x038000b0.VooDoo-B"
B   BA_FZSML.ZD2   15962 1.20 13.73% DRV "0x038000c0.BaFzSmile"
B   BA_METAL.ZD2   15928 1.20 13.02% DRV "0x038000d0.BassMetal"
B   BA_OCTFZ.ZD2   26324 1.20 28.17% DRV "0x038000e0.BassOctFZ"
A w DIST_VN.ZD2    24553 1.00 19.26% DRV "0x03a00280.Vn DIST"
  w MS800_1U.ZD2   41158 1.00 34.77% AMP "0x04000011.MS 800"
  w MS19591U.ZD2   46154 1.00 34.23% AMP "0x04000019.MS 1959"
  w MS45OS1U.ZD2   47863 1.00 34.23% AMP "0x0400001b.MS 45os"
  w FD_TWR1U.ZD2   43908 1.00 33.70% AMP "0x04000021.FD TWNR"
  w FDBMAN1U.ZD2   42419 1.10 32.54% AMP "0x04000028.FD B-MAN"
  w FDDLXR1U.ZD2   44154 1.10 33.70% AMP "0x0400002c.FD DLXR"
  w FDMSTR1U.ZD2   45997 1.00 31.65% AMP "0x0400002d.FD MASTER"
  w UK30A_1U.ZD2   40268 1.00 40.83% AMP "0x04000031.UK 30A"
  w BGMK1_1U.ZD2   43136 1.00 38.87% AMP "0x04000041.BG MK1"
  w BGMK3_1U.ZD2   42808 1.00 39.05% AMP "0x04000043.BG MK3"
  w XTSBLU1U.ZD2   43394 1.00 38.34% AMP "0x04000051.XtasyBlue"
  w HW100_1U.ZD2   56206 1.00 30.94% AMP "0x04000061.HW 100"
  w RCTORG1U.ZD2   57111 1.00 31.65% AMP "0x04000071.Recti ORG"
  w ORG1201U.ZD2   59237 1.00 36.56% AMP "0x04000081.ORG120"
  w DZ_DRV1U.ZD2   45309 1.00 30.13% AMP "0x04000091.DZ DRV"
  w MACH301U.ZD2   49770 1.00 37.89% AMP "0x040000a1.MATCH30"
B w SVT_1U.ZD2     39767 1.00 23.90% AMP "0x04800011.AMPG SVT"
B w BMN1001U.ZD2   41436 1.00 35.22% AMP "0x04800021.BMAN100"
B w SWR4001U.ZD2   45576 1.00 26.75% AMP "0x04800031.SMR400"
B w AG750_1U.ZD2   40216 1.00 25.32% AMP "0x04800041.AG 750"
B w TE400_1U.ZD2   39897 1.00 20.42% AMP "0x04800051.TE400SMX"
B w AC370_1U.ZD2   36576 1.00 29.07% AMP "0x04800061.AC 370"
B   MINIMARK.ZD2   32848 1.20 12.57% AMP "0x04800070.Mini MkB"
B w EBH3601U.ZD2   48013 1.00 23.72% AMP "0x04800081.EBH360"
B w B15N_1U.ZD2    43250 1.00 19.08% AMP "0x04800091.FlipTop"
    MS4X12.ZD2     33034 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000010.MS4x12"
    MS4X12GB.ZD2   33650 1.30  9.81% CAB "0x05000018.MS4x12GB"
    MS4X12AL.ZD2   33373 1.20  9.81% CAB "0x0500001a.MS4x12AL"
    FD2X12.ZD2     32857 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000020.FD2x12"
    FDB4X10.ZD2    33378 1.40  9.61% CAB "0x05000027.FD-B4x10"
    FDDX1X12.ZD2   32994 1.40  9.61% CAB "0x0500002a.FD-DX1x12"
    FDMA2X12.ZD2   33390 1.30  9.90% CAB "0x0500002b.FD MA2x12"
    UK2X12.ZD2     32849 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000030.UK2x12"
    MK1_1X12.ZD2   34453 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000040.MK1 1x12"
    MK3_1X12.ZD2   32955 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000042.MK3 1x12"
    BGN4X12.ZD2    32916 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000050.BGN4x12"
    HW4X12.ZD2     33574 1.30  9.61% CAB "0x05000060.HW4x12"
    RCT4X12.ZD2    34769 1.30  9.81% CAB "0x05000070.RCT4x12"
    ORG_4X12.ZD2   33366 1.30  9.81% CAB "0x05000080.ORG4x12"
    DZ4X12F.ZD2    33281 1.30  9.90% CAB "0x05000090.DZ4x12F"
    MA2X12.ZD2     33315 1.30  9.90% CAB "0x050000a0.MA2x12"
    KP4X12.ZD2     30307 1.00 10.25% CAB "0x05080010.KP4x12"
    RED4X10.ZD2    32785 1.00 11.06% CAB "0x05080020.RED4x10"
    VT4X12.ZD2     32096 1.00 10.43% CAB "0x05080030.VT4x12"
    MD1X12.ZD2     31591 1.00  9.45% CAB "0x05080040.MD1x12"
    7H4X12.ZD2     31635 1.00 10.25% CAB "0x05080050.7H4x12"
    PL4X12.ZD2     32100 1.00  9.72% CAB "0x05080060.PL4x12"
    STM4X12.ZD2    31659 1.00 10.48% CAB "0x05080070.STM4x12"
B   SVT_8X10.ZD2   30474 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800010.SVT8x10"
B   SV4X10TW.ZD2   30344 1.10 14.44% CAB "0x05800018.SVT4x10TW"
B   FD_B4X12.ZD2   30159 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800020.FD-B4x12"
B   SWR_4X10.ZD2   30205 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800030.SMR4x10TW"
B   AG4X10TW.ZD2   30245 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800040.AG4x10TW"
B   TE_4X10.ZD2    30383 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800050.TE4x10"
B   AC_1X18.ZD2    30059 1.20 14.44% CAB "0x05800060.AC1x18"
B   MKB2X8TW.ZD2   29305 1.20 18.63% CAB "0x05800070.MkB2x8TW"
B   EB4X10TW.ZD2   30247 1.10 14.44% CAB "0x05800080.EB4x10TW"
B   AM1X15.ZD2     29331 1.10 14.44% CAB "0x05800090.AM1x15"
B   SN2X15.ZD2     30909 1.00 14.44% CAB "0x05800100.SN2x15"
B   MT1X15.ZD2     30360 1.00 14.44% CAB "0x05800110.MT1x15"
    TREMOLO.ZD2    27704 1.50  9.54% MOD "0x06000010.Tremolo"
    CHORUS.ZD2     14269 1.50  7.36% MOD "0x06000020.Chorus"
    STEREOCH.ZD2   14993 1.40  8.11% MOD "0x06000030.StereoCho"
    PHASER.ZD2     15851 1.50  8.11% MOD "0x06000040.Phaser"
    VINFLNGR.ZD2   16512 1.40  6.42% MOD "0x06000050.VinFLNGR"
    THEVIBE.ZD2    13933 1.50 10.61% MOD "0x06000060.TheVibe"
    VIBRATO.ZD2    14868 1.40  8.03% MOD "0x06000070.Vibrato"
    SWELLVIB.ZD2   17554 1.00 10.61% MOD "0x06000078.SwellVibe"
    OCTAVE.ZD2     12133 1.40  7.31% MOD "0x06000080.Octave"
    RINGMOD.ZD2    14820 1.40  5.17% MOD "0x06000090.RingMod"
    DETUNE.ZD2     15323 1.40  6.42% MOD "0x060000a0.Detune"
    PITCHSHF.ZD2   22357 1.50  7.49% MOD "0x060000b0.PitchSHFT"
    POLYSHFT.ZD2   67105 1.00 28.09% MOD "0x060000b8.PolyShift"
    MONOPITC.ZD2   23195 1.40  7.40% MOD "0x060000c0.MonoPitch"
    HPS.ZD2        15733 1.50  7.22% MOD "0x060000d0.HPS"
    SLICER.ZD2     15793 1.40  9.00% MOD "0x060000f0.Slicer"
    CLONECHO.ZD2   15444 1.40 11.14% MOD "0x06000100.CloneCho"
    SUPERCHO.ZD2   16673 1.70  9.18% MOD "0x06000110.SuperCho"
    STONEPHA.ZD2   22142 1.50  8.47% MOD "0x06000120.StonePha"
    CRNTRI3S.ZD2   20468 1.10 22.83% MOD "0x06000131.CoronaTri"
    BENDCHO.ZD2    13357 1.40  9.45% MOD "0x06000140.BendCho"
    ANA234CH.ZD2   21297 1.40 10.34% MOD "0x06000150.AnalogCho"
    WRPPHASE.ZD2   15119 1.40  9.81% MOD "0x06000160.WarpPhase"
  w DUOPHA1U.ZD2   20798 1.20 10.70% MOD "0x06000171.Duo Phase"
    GEMINOS.ZD2    21566 1.00 11.32% MOD "0x06000180.GEMINOS"
A   ACDETUNE.ZD2   27085 1.00  6.42% MOD "0x06400000.AG Detune"
A   AC_TRCHO.ZD2   21484 1.00 21.53% MOD "0x06400010.AG Chorus"
B   B_ST_CHO.ZD2   16649 1.30  7.49% MOD "0x06800020.BassStCho"
B   B_VFLNG.ZD2    18773 1.30  8.03% MOD "0x06800040.BaVinFLNG"
B   B_OCTAVE.ZD2   11545 1.30  8.11% MOD "0x06800050.Ba Octave"
B   B_DETUNE.ZD2   16589 1.30 13.20% MOD "0x06800060.Ba Detune"
B   B_PITCH.ZD2    23338 1.30 11.41% MOD "0x06800070.BaMnPitch"
B   BASS_PHA.ZD2   22370 1.30 10.70% MOD "0x06800080.BassPhase"
B   B_MOCT.ZD2     20643 1.00 18.28% MOD "0x06800090.Ba AnaOct"
A w CHOHM.ZD2      19385 1.00 20.50% MOD "0x06a00160.Hm Chorus"
A w CHOVN.ZD2      20005 1.00 20.50% MOD "0x06a00280.Vn Chorus"
A w CHOTP.ZD2      19885 1.00 20.50% MOD "0x06a00380.Tp Chorus"
A w CHOSAX.ZD2     19417 1.00 20.50% MOD "0x06a00410.SaxChorus"
A   GROWL.ZD2      16581 1.00 11.59% MOD "0x06a00412.Sax Growl"
A   POCT_UP.ZD2    55373 1.00 28.09% MOD "0x06a01000.PolyOctUp"
A   POCT_DWN.ZD2   55530 1.00 16.05% MOD "0x06a01001.PolyOctDw"
A w DUALPIT.ZD2    30198 1.00 12.21% MOD "0x06a01010.DualPitch"
A   ENSEMBLE.ZD2   18678 1.00 32.10% MOD "0x06a01020.Ensemble"
A w ENVPHA.ZD2     24880 1.00  9.81% MOD "0x06a01030.EnvPhaser"
A w RNDMPHA.ZD2    18453 1.00 10.79% MOD "0x06a01040.RndPhaser"
    BOMBER.ZD2     30901 1.50  9.18% SFX "0x07000010.Bomber"
    AUTOPAN.ZD2    14461 1.40  4.46% SFX "0x07000020.AutoPan"
    LPROLL3S.ZD2   28852 1.10  6.91% SFX "0x07000041.LoopRoll"
    HOTSPICE.ZD2   22446 1.30 19.61% SFX "0x07000050.HotSpice"
B   STDSYN.ZD2     17973 1.30 21.93% SFX "0x07800010.StdSyn"
B   SYNTLK.ZD2     17273 1.30 21.84% SFX "0x07800020.SynTlk"
B w Z_SYN_1U.ZD2   19082 1.10 18.72% SFX "0x07800031.Z-Syn"
B   DEFRET.ZD2     15950 1.30  7.67% SFX "0x07800040.Defret"
B   PH_DIST.ZD2    17440 1.30 19.26% SFX "0x07800050.PH+Dist"
    DELAY_3S.ZD2   17329 1.10  5.97% DLY "0x08000011.Delay"
    DLY3SBAL.ZD2   17487 1.00  5.97% DLY "0x08000012.Delay"
    ANDLY_3S.ZD2   17548 1.10  5.97% DLY "0x08000021.AnalogDly"
    ADL3SBAL.ZD2   17710 1.00  5.97% DLY "0x08000022.AnalogDly"
    TAPEECHO.ZD2   17034 1.50  7.58% DLY "0x08000030.TapeEcho"
    TPECHBAL.ZD2   17146 1.00  7.58% DLY "0x08000031.TapeEcho"
    RVRSDL3S.ZD2   17150 1.10  6.33% DLY "0x08000041.ReverseDL"
    MODDELAY.ZD2   16541 1.40  8.29% DLY "0x08000050.ModDelay"
    MDDLYBAL.ZD2   16671 1.00  8.29% DLY "0x08000051.ModDelay"
    PPDLY_3S.ZD2   17054 1.10  6.33% DLY "0x08000081.P-P Delay"
    PPDL3SBL.ZD2   17264 1.00  6.33% DLY "0x08000082.P-P Delay"
    FLTRDLY.ZD2    17416 1.40  9.10% DLY "0x08000090.FilterDly"
  w DUALDL3S.ZD2   33873 1.20 18.19% DLY "0x080000a1.Dual DLY"
    PTCHDL3S.ZD2   18877 1.10 10.88% DLY "0x080000b1.Pitch DLY"
    SLPBKD3S.ZD2   18819 1.10 14.89% DLY "0x080000c1.SlapBackD"
  w APANDL3S.ZD2   25086 1.20 11.06% DLY "0x080000d1.A-Pan DLY"
  w PHASDL1U.ZD2   24083 1.20 12.93% DLY "0x080000e1.PhaseDly"
  w TPEC3_3S.ZD2   35418 1.20 19.43% DLY "0x080000f1.TapeEcho3"
    ICEDLY3S.ZD2   30795 1.10 31.74% DLY "0x08000101.ICE Delay"
    SLATDL3S.ZD2   22542 1.10 18.90% DLY "0x08000111.SlwAtkDly"
    SOFTEC3S.ZD2   25394 1.10 28.35% DLY "0x08000121.SoftEcho"
A   AC_TPECH.ZD2   36131 1.00 19.17% DLY "0x08400000.Ac TpEcho"
A w PERCDLY.ZD2    40337 1.00 15.78% DLY "0x08a01000.PercusDly"
    AIR.ZD2        15213 1.50  6.96% REV "0x09000010.Air"
    ROOM.ZD2       17911 1.50 10.70% REV "0x09000020.Room"
    ROOM_BAL.ZD2   18077 1.00 10.70% REV "0x09000021.Room"
    BRGTROOM.ZD2   17663 1.10 10.70% REV "0x09000028.BrghtRoom"
    HALL.ZD2       17933 1.50 11.77% REV "0x09000030.Hall"
    HALL_BAL.ZD2   18099 1.00 11.77% REV "0x09000031.Hall"
    BRGTHALL.ZD2   17665 1.10 11.77% REV "0x09000032.BrghtHall"
    HD_HALL.ZD2    20904 1.50 28.17% REV "0x09000040.HD Hall"
    SPRING.ZD2     18007 1.50 10.07% REV "0x09000050.Spring"
    FDSPRING.ZD2   23743 1.40 26.93% REV "0x09000060.FD Spring"
    PLATEREV.ZD2   20051 1.50 22.29% REV "0x09000070.Plate"
    EARLYREF.ZD2   19283 1.40 10.88% REV "0x09000080.EarlyRef"
    CHURCH.ZD2     27459 1.40 32.10% REV "0x090000a0.Church"
    CHAMBER.ZD2    24390 1.40 24.61% REV "0x090000d0.Chamber"
    GATE_REV.ZD2   26711 1.40 21.84% REV "0x090000e0.GateRev"
A   MOD_REV.ZD2    23289 1.00 18.63% REV "0x09400000.ModReverb"
A   DRYPLATE.ZD2   22059 1.00 24.25% REV "0x09a01000.DryPlate"
    PDL_VOL.ZD2    13211 1.50  3.97% PDL "0x0b000010.PDL Vol"
    BLCK_WAH.ZD2   26470 1.50  8.20% PDL "0x0b000020.BlackWah"
    CHRM_WAH.ZD2   26525 1.50  7.58% PDL "0x0b000030.ChromeWah"
    WH100.ZD2      13877 1.50  6.96% PDL "0x0b000040.WAH100"
    PDL_PIT.ZD2    17263 1.40  7.49% PDL "0x0b000050.PDL Pitch"
    PDL_MNPT.ZD2   27727 1.40  7.85% PDL "0x0b000060.PDL MnPit"
    PDL_VIBE.ZD2   14168 1.40 10.70% PDL "0x0b000070.PDL Vibe"
    PDL_DRV.ZD2    22010 1.40 19.17% PDL "0x0b000080.PDL Drive"
    PDL_PHA.ZD2    15984 1.40  6.60% PDL "0x0b000090.PDL PHSR"
    PDLDLY3S.ZD2   17013 1.10  6.15% PDL "0x0b0000a1.PDL Delay"
    PDL_REV.ZD2    17833 1.40 11.86% PDL "0x0b0000b0.PDL Rev"
    OSCECH3S.ZD2   25105 1.10 18.72% PDL "0x0b0000c1.OSC Echo"
    VOICE_WH.ZD2   16975 1.40 12.84% PDL "0x0b0000d0.VoiceWah"
    PDLROT3S.ZD2   25744 1.10 16.14% PDL "0x0b0000e1.PDL Roto"
    PDL_BITC.ZD2   13303 1.40  5.66% PDL "0x0b0000f0.P-BitCRSH"
    PDL_FLNG.ZD2   15678 1.40  6.60% PDL "0x0b000100.PDL FLNGR"
B   BASSWAH.ZD2    25692 1.40  8.20% PDL "0x0b800010.BassWah"
B   PDL_RESO.ZD2   11434 1.60  6.24% PDL "0x0b800020.PDL Reso"
B   B_PDLPIT.ZD2   19266 1.30  6.69% PDL "0x0b800030.Ba PDLPit"
B   B_PDLMNP.ZD2   18954 1.30  6.87% PDL "0x0b800040.Ba PDLMnP"
A   PWAH_TP.ZD2    13535 1.00  6.96% PDL "0x0ba00380.Tp P.Wah"
    OUT_VP.ZD2      4944 1.40  3.57% PDL "0x0bfffff0.Output VP"
A   MDL_D28.ZD2    27832 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400000.D-28"
A   MDL_D18.ZD2    27800 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400010.D-18"
A   MDL_D45.ZD2    28121 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400020.D-45"
A   MDL_O328.ZD2   28101 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400030.OOO-28"
A   MDL_O318.ZD2   27799 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400040.OOO-18"
A   MDL_OM28.ZD2   28155 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400050.OM-28"
A   MDL_OM18.ZD2   28117 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400060.OM-18"
A   MDL_OM42.ZD2   27832 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400070.OM-42"
A   MDL_OO21.ZD2   28133 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400080.OO-21"
A   MDL_OO18.ZD2   27854 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400090.OO-18"
A   MDL_J45.ZD2    27841 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000a0.J-45"
A   MDL_ADVJ.ZD2   28229 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000b0.Adv.Jumbo"
A   MDL_J160.ZD2   28147 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000c0.J-160E"
A   MDL_HB.ZD2     28175 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000d0.HumBird"
A   MDL_DOVE.ZD2   28166 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000e0.Dove"
A   MDL_SJ20.ZD2   27822 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144000f0.SJ-200"
A   MDL_F55.ZD2    28159 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400100.F-55"
A   MDL_LG2.ZD2    27842 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400110.LG-2"
A   MDL_LG0.ZD2    27838 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400120.LG-0"
A   MDL_314.ZD2    27881 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400130.314ce"
A   MDL_LL36.ZD2   28144 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400140.LL36"
A   MDL_LL66.ZD2   27851 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400150.LL66"
A   MDL_ADMS.ZD2   27901 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400160.Adamas"
A   MDL_LGN.ZD2    28166 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400170.Legend"
A   MDL_NYLN.ZD2   27824 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400180.Nylon"
A   MDL_12ST.ZD2   27864 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x14400190.12Strings"
A   MDL_RESO.ZD2   27879 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144001a0.Resonator"
A   MDL_UPBS.ZD2   28154 1.00 33.52% AGM "0x144001b0.UprightBa"

nomadbyte avatar Feb 10 '23 18:02 nomadbyte

@mungewell, @nomadbyte: I’m following your entries here to better understand how the Zoom system works. I’m not a programmer, but this may compel me to learn Python, as I own the A1XFOUR and want to maximize it for multiple acoustic instruments. Do you think there is a way to convert external IR files (such as WAVformat), to ZD2 files to create custom models?

jll4065 avatar Feb 12 '23 19:02 jll4065

Do you mean finding a way to create more MDL-kind of ZD2 models but for instruments other than the acoustic guitar?

My understanding is that you'd need more than just Python skills for that, as a ZD2 file packs a binary ELF file compiled from Zoom's sources specific to each model. Simply supplanting an IR profile (provided it's possible at all by the implementation, as it's not apparent from the ELF data so far visible) would not change the rest of the ELF internals, which in case of MDL files would remain acoustic guitar (string) specific.

So, if I were into IR approach, then it would make more sense to get hold of another Zoom pedal (e.g. G6) which already has support for IR files processing, including the ability to load external IR files.

P.S. Said this, the MDL ELFs do reference some objects which may possibly be the ??raw IR data (4096 bytes in length, starting @0x29e0). For example, these object references:

MDL_O328.ZD2.elf: g_firCoe_OOO28
MDL_O318.ZD2.elf: g_firCoe_OOO18
MDL_UPBS.ZD2.elf: g_firCoe_UPRIGHT

My guess, that Coe stands for coefficients; FIR (finite impulse response) is about filters that can produce a 6 dB per octave slope (see 1 and 2). That is this could be FIR coefficients. It's hard to tell the format of this data (EDIT: well, it's a collection of 1024 floats, attached fir-upbs.txt for g_firCoe_UPRIGHT) and any audio parameters of the underlying IR sample (bit-depth, sampling freq, channels, length). It's far from being able to drop-in some other IR bytes, as the files do differ elsewhere, not just in name-strings. And fundamentally, it's a guitar model, the IR just transforms it somewhat.

Again, I believe that such effort may not be worth the possible benefits. It may be a lot more viable (practically and economically) to acquire the product which already has IR handling capability (eg. Zoom G6, which is ZD2 compatible). Though it's hard to quantify fun... :)

If you're interested in further pursuing this topic, you'd rather open a separate Issue to keep this one on its subject.

nomadbyte avatar Feb 13 '23 00:02 nomadbyte

Please, where can I get effects ADL3SBAL.ZD2, B_MOCT.ZD2, DLY3SBAL.ZD2 and some others? I cannot find them in standard location www.zoom.co.jp/archive/GUITAR_LAB/ZDLF6/. Thank you

AlesZika avatar Feb 15 '23 11:02 AlesZika

BAL/BL effects are H8/R20 variants of respective "the-other-with-the-same-name" effects on the list -- they just relabel Mix parameter to BAL, which I guess makes it more clearer. So for all practical purposes the mentioned BAL effects are fully served by:

ANDLY_3S.ZD2   17548 1.10  DLY "0x08000021.AnalogDly"
DELAY_3S.ZD2   17329 1.10  DLY "0x08000011.Delay"

B_MOCT.ZD2 is part of G6 and G11 set and practically is equivalent to:

B_OCTAVE.ZD2   11545 1.30  MOD "0x06800050.Ba Octave"

That's the whole thing about this variety -- many effects are the equivalents or just subtle flavors of other variants. I understand the purpose for such variety, this serves well to segment the models and cover the latitude of classic gear. Meanwhile, for practical purposes this wide variety should be made more focused on function and flexibility to serve the immediate need of musician. More so that such versatile subset could fit into the meager 2.9MB (~100 modules at average 30KB each) and spare us or at least minimize the need to fiddle with upload dilemmas (keep this, remove that). For comparison, G1 FOUR pre-installed set is 78 modules with space left for some 4 more; in total 130 modules defined for this model.

I wonder if anyone cares to post here their "good-enough" or frequent-use subset list of effects they use with these G Series pedals?

nomadbyte avatar Feb 16 '23 04:02 nomadbyte