
Results 12 comments of Guilherme

I guess you should use the `renderCluster` prop. Maybe some conditional to validate something and put the right background color that you want. You can put the marker inside `renderCluster`...

> IMO, with it, can be separated the concern by domains, the required args: `model` and `loaderName`, and the `options` as an optional argument with default values. Yes! It would...

> can you provider more info about what do you expect? @Tsugami and @noghartt I think that JSDocs could be interesting to document some examples of uses of some functions...

Yo @cherniavskii, your examples sounds really cool, I think that we can follow something like it here. Talking a little about `apiRef` as a callback, do you think that we...

Em relação ao idioma, acho que seria interessante a inclusão (além do escrito, é claro) de emoji de flags, como :brazil: ou :us:, para facilitar na indicação visual da linguagem....

> Hi @noghartt. CI failed, can you fix it? ofc, i'll need to write more tests for these cases and fix the ci it seems that the types aren't well...

Wouldn't work using the `@skip` directive from GraphQL? ```graphql query useUpgradeToProQuery($skip: Boolean!) { visitor @skip(if: $skip) { userAccount { profile { hasActivePortfolioSubscription } } } } ```

You can consume from the instance of the environment that you create via relay-runtime: ```ts // environment.tsx import { Environment } from 'relay-runtime'; export const environment = new Environment({ //...

> Move this environment to outside right? Yes, you can move it ouside.