Results 23 comments of Noel Delgado

Thanks Andrea, yeah, I am aware of this issue, it should be fixed to mitigate implementation's problems. In the meantime, you could try adding an extra element to hold the...

Hi @Kristinita, does this work for you BTW, there is a similar issues regarding mixing gemini + jquery + smooth-scrolling ( Important bits: - `new GeminiScrollbar({ element: document.body ...`...

Thanks for the report @smmoosavi!, I was able to replicate the issue, will try to look into it soon.

@wnipper, this issue hasn't been fixed yet.

Hi Ashraf, absolutely, that’s important. I just made a quick test by setting the `direction: rtl;` css-declaration on my scrollable element and the `scroll` event works as expected. However if...

Thank you @ashraffayad!, that helps. ;) For now, about the implementation, I am thinking about adding a new option e.i. `rtl: {Boolean} [false]`, which in case to be `true` it...

@ashraffayad that's even better, like it :+1:

@Kristinita, I made a demo trying to answer your question on SO (I don't have a SO account 😟): **demo:** **4)** override gm-scroll-view's transform value, that will allow fixed...