Results 6 comments of nodaguti

Just for your information: With babel/babili#162 shipped, we can now pass options to Babili through the `babili` property like this: ```js new BabiliWebpackPlugin({ babili: { presets: [ [ require('babel-preset-babili'), {...

Thank you for your suggestion! That would add extra flexibility and must be useful. I'll work on this this weekend.

@unlight Terribly sorry for the lack of response for such a long time. I'll look into it this weekend.

@io-monad Thank you for quick reply! I send PR to add WebExtensions and Opera support. Firefox has not completed to implement WebExtensions API, which prevents me from porting the extension...

Thanks again for merging! By the way, I gave it a try to avoid Firefox's storage bugs using `appMessage.send()`. The result is here: d79ae1acb775d55e28da5507184fcb6debe30483 I feel it's only to add...

Yes, I agree with you. Let's keep untouched and stay tuned. Thank you for taking your time anyways!