Unfortunately I can confirm that the AP network is set to 2.4Ghz: This is the output of "iwconfig" from raspberry pi command line (where the AP is running): ``` wlan1...
Hi, so I just wanted to see if a ESP8266 can connect to the AP. It's a WEMOS D1 mini. I know it's most probably a different base-system regarding the...
I did also the following test: 1. Started the ESP32 WiFiClientConnect sketch. 2. The ESP32 could not connect. 3. Reboot of the Raspberry Pi and after Raspbian boot-up the ESP32...
After a failed connection, if I press the PROG-button, the following output is printed on the serial monitor: ``` [WiFi] Disconnecting from WiFi! [ 39608][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1039] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 5 -...
I can provide whatever is needed. I can share the hostapd.conf if that is helpful or any other file, please just mention what you need for your analysis. I can...
Please bear in mind that the ESP8266 with a simple sketch can connect multiple times without problems
Since I am no expert regarding WiFi on ESP32 and on Raspberry Pi I am not really sure which logs would be useful for the analysis. If you could mention...
This code doesn't change the connection behaviour of the sketch at all. The previous observed problems all remain. ``` WiFi.disconnect(false,true); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); ``` That means that only one connection is...
I have enabled verbose logging of hostapd and dnsmasq on the raspberry pi. hostapd doesn't print anything, not on successful connection and not on unsuccessful connection. It just says that...
Hello, can I provide some more information that is useful for further debugging?