+1! This would be great if it would be possible to generate documentation using Maven based Spring MVC annotations. Otherwise all controllers must be double-annotated using Spring and Swagger annotations,...
the same with: Exchange EWS Provider 3.9.0-beta1 Lightning 4.7.4 Thunderbird 45.4.0 Sabayon Linux amd64 16.12
I did have the same issue with state bouncing between "on" and "off" on minutely basis... After some investigation I did find that setting custom ping URL (`update_custom_ping_url`) does the...
@energywave: here is my configuration: ``` media_player: - platform: samsungtv_tizen name: Samsung TV host: samsung-tv.lan mac: !secret samsung_tv_mac update_custom_ping_url: http://samsung-tv.lan:9197/dmr app_list: '{"Disney+": "3201901017640"}' ```