Huang, JiangYi
Huang, JiangYi
@ererkka The virtualenv approach seems to fail on Julia-1.5.3 again.
This paper looks useful as well I kinda know the author and may contact the guy for help.
It seems that the `connection` was originally designed to represent "a connection line", which is not supposed to do the same thing as a `unit`. Using user constraints should be...
Thanks @clizbe and sorry for my late reply. I'll test whether it is an issue anymore.
Discussion #801 provides some supporting observations regarding this topic.
I gave a try: commit cec478f seems to reduce the time. Bear in mind that with this fix we assume all available units are supposed to be used in operation,...
Similar issues appear in the rolling forward mode with multiple temporal blocks, which were mentioned in issue #633. In the case where the rolling window uses 2 or more consecutive...