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Code repository for our paper: Deep Iterative Surface Normal Estimation

Deep Iterative Surface Normal Estimation

Code repository for the paper Deep Iterative Surface Normal Estimation, CVPR 2020 (oral), by Jan Eric Lenssen, Christian Osendorfer and Jonathan Masci @NNAISENSE.

Below, we explain how to

  • install the code,
  • reproduce paper results for the PCPNet and NYU datasets,
  • train a new model

Further, we provide a short overview of important classes and functions.


The code runs with Python 3.7, CUDA 10.0. The following additional dependencies need to be installed:


After installing dependencies, clone repository and run to compile the quaternion GPU kernels:

git clone
cd deep-iterative-surface-normal-estimation
python install

Run Normal Estimation

To reproduce evaluation on the PCPNet test dataset, run with the following parameters:

  • --model_name: Model file from trained_models/ to use [default: '']
  • --dataset_path: Path to store PCPNet dataset (is downloaded automatically) [default: 'data/pcpnet_data/']
  • --k_test: Neighborhood size for testing [default: 64]
  • --iterations: Number of iterations for testing [default: 4]
  • --results_path: If set, resulting normals are stored in the given folder [default: None]


python --model_name='' --k_test=64 --iterations=4

We provide models trained on the PCPNet train dataset with k=32,48,64,96,128 in 'trained_models/'.

To reproduce evaluation on the NYU Depth V2 dataset run with the following parameters:

  • --model_name: Model file from trained_models/ to use [default: '']
  • --dataset_path: Path to store NYU Depth V2 dataset (is downloaded automatically) [default: 'data/nyudepthv2/']
  • --k_test: Neighborhood size for testing [default: 64]
  • --iterations: Number of iterations for testing [default: 4]
  • --results_path: Folder in which resulting images are stored [default: 'nyu_out/']


python --model_name='' --k_test=64 --iterations=4


To train on the PCPNet train dataset, run with the following parameters:

  • --model_name: Model file name to store in trained_models/. Needs epoch placeholder {}. [default: 'network_new_epoch{}.pt']
  • --dataset_path: Path to store PCPNet dataset (is downloaded automatically) [default: 'data/pcpnet_data/']
  • --k_train: Neighborhood size for training [default: 48]
  • --iterations: Number of iterations for training [default: 8]


python --model_name='network_k48new_epoch{}.pt' --k_train=48 --iterations=8

Remark: Currently, training with larger k requires a large amount of GPU memory


class NormalEstimation(torch.nn.Module)

Provides the main algorithm for normal estimation. The forward() function computes one iteration of the algorithm, including GNN re-weighting and least squares fitting.

eig_val, eig_vec = Sym3Eig.apply(cov)

Performs the least squares fitting through parallel (batch-wise) 3x3 eigendecomposition as provided by our torch_sym3eig module.

class GNNFixedK(torch.nn.Module)
class GNNVariableK(torch.nn.Module)

Define the GNNs for re-weighting in network/ The version for fixed neighborhood size k is slighty faster due to dim-reduce instead of scatter operations. Except that, they are similar and can be used interchangeably, depending on use case.