does anyone know where i can get libtesseract.so.4.0.1?
I was hoping someone just had a download for it as i don't have anything to run ubuntu on currently
thanks. i've added the file to my x64 directory and named it libtesseract41.so but i'm still getting the dll not found exception On Fri, 2 Jul 2021 at 08:54, howff...
sorry if this is a stupid question, i'm not great at ubuntu. does this mean that the dllNotFoundException is because i'm missing a dependency? ``` # ldd libtesseract41.so linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd4a981000)...
something simple like this does it ``` using PokeApiNet; namespace PokeApiBugExample { internal class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { PokeApiClient client = new PokeApiClient(); var pokemon =...
you put ``` ``` around the code block instead of ` ` and then it formats properly. edit: put 3 of the tilde things on either side of the code...
> > edit 2: fixed it > > Glad you found the fix and shared it with us you can also fix the cache issue by just cloning the lists...
I know i'm a bit late but I think that i have a fix for this issue. Downgrade to beta 6a, you will lose frame boosters but it's better than...
[HiDive] None: Downloading webpage [HiDive] Logging in ERROR: [HiDive] reincarnated-as-a-sword/s01e011: Unable to extract profile_id; please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are...
how do i test it? i've only even used the binaries to run yt-dlp before