Nikola Metulev

Results 44 issues of Nikola Metulev

### What happened? Clicking share (this example to Twitter) only shared the link ![image]( ### How do we reproduce the behavior? 1. Go to a blog post 2. Click share...

bug :bug:

### What happened? ### How do we reproduce the behavior? Use for testing on ### What do you expect to happen? _No response_ ### What environment were you...

bug :bug:
discuss with team

### Tell us about your feature idea When testing a site without a manifest, and using the manifest eidtor to create a new manifest, the manifest editor should try to...

feature request :mailbox_with_mail:

### What happened? My icon is stretched ### How do we reproduce the behavior? use ### What do you expect to happen? _No response_ ### What environment were you...

bug :bug:

## Description The person component does not currently render anything while it is loading. Update the person component to always allocate the needed space when loaded. ## Rationale As the...

help wanted
Component: person
State: In Review

Re: #221 Calendar calls used by the agenda component should be cached. The events will need to be cached individually and diffed with the actual call from the graph when...

Component: agenda
Priority: 2
Area: Caching

Re: #221 Team and channel calls used by the Teams Picker component should be cached.

Priority: 2
Area: Caching

## Description Add the following hooks to mgt-react: * `const [isSignedIn] = useIsSignedIn()` * `const [response, loading, error, load] = useGet(resource, deps, options)` where: * resource: string - the resource...

Area: React

## Description Add `header` and `footer` templates to mgt-get so they can be used together with the `value` template. ## Rationale Together with #716, this will allow the developer to...

help wanted
good first issue
Component: get