Nikola Metulev

Results 44 issues of Nikola Metulev

### Tell us about your feature idea The site currently is using a custom rollup build process and should be replaced with vite to simplify the building process. This will...

feature request :mailbox_with_mail:

**Describe the solution you'd like** Leverage to sign android packages on the client instead of the backend

feature request :mailbox_with_mail:

We should add a README for our organization to describe the project and direct folks to various resources. See [docs]( for how to do this

feature request :mailbox_with_mail:

Enable components to be rendered on the backend while retaining functionality when running on the front end

State: Proposed
Priority: 3
Area: Exploration

## Description Components should check whether the user has consented to the right scopes before making a graph call and tell the user that they need to consent before using...

Needs: Discussion
breaking changes
State: Proposed
Priority: 1

## Description The mock provider should cache the endpoint Url instead of fetching it each time when loaded. ## Rationale This affects the most as each sample requests the...

Area: Providers
Area: Playground

## I'm submitting a... - Bug report (I searched for similar issues and did not find one) ## Current behavior The sample app keeps references to sample objects after they...

bug :bug:
help wanted
sample app 🖼
to discuss