The test passed: Verifying detectable C library changes /local/nmagnin/workspace_ARM7/TestABI_lib/libsample_c/libsample.v1 /local/nmagnin/workspace_ARM7/TestABI_lib/libsample_c/libsample.v2 Preparing, please wait ... Using GCC 4.8.5 (x86_64-redhat-linux, target: x86_64) Checking header(s) 1.0 ... Checking the code for C++ keywords...
Here is the header, very simple test code: namespace TestABI_lib { class TestABI { public: TestABI(double factor); double getProduct(double value); private: double factor; }; } // namespace TestABI_lib
FYI, the tests I did were using cross-compilation. I will try to use the host GCC to see if it works better...
OK it works fine using host GCC. Symbols are not private anymore. Can I pass a link to GCC used to compile the library to abi-dumper.pl ?
Done. FYI, I see this warning: WARNING: incompatible build option detected: -O0 (required -Og for better analysis) or WARNING: the object should be compiled with -Og option for better analysis...
FYI, I tried to run abi-compliance-checker.pl --test on the target system (SLC6), and I got this error: > Using GCC 4.4.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux, target: x86_64) > > Verifying detectable C library...