Nguyen Huy Duc
Nguyen Huy Duc
I thought Barrdev is a bot, can't imagine he reply to you one by one =)))
@alessandrokonrad Do you know when the hard fork occur. Currently the testnet is really poor
Hi @sonaimenext , I see that you have a ImageResize module, could you share with me about that part of code, I'm working with resize module and all I found...
Hi @laraschke, What did you use to connect wallet. I'm using wagmi to connect then I can't pass the right web3Provider to swap so that I can't call the function...
@angel-langdon Hi, I'm facing the same issue as you, if I implement the search function with the current react-pdf, it will cause a lot of effort to draw highlight and...
@Chandraprakash-Darji You can simple think in blockchain, there is no decimal number, so that we have to multiply the amount to (10 ** srcDecimal) before send to blockchain. Same with...
@OlegDO I'm having the same issue. Have you fixed it yet?
@mounibec When I try to change RPC, it shows the error unknow account. Could you please support me with the init paraswap SDK with provider that can call apporveToken function....
Is there anybody can resolve this issue
@zombieJ Can you please check on this. I have the same issue with iframe