I don't know if a warning in Spectrum1D is enough... its hard to connect this to the failure later in the extract region. Maybe the checks should be in the...
Hey I guess this is the right thread for my problems. I'm also using the conda environment but since I didn't get it to work with the conda packages (even...
Actually I did not run configure but I did edit the by hand. And then just run `python install` I know you are not supposed to do this...
Urgh I just found it... will try again now. To do it correctly I would have to set all of this in the `./configure` command right? I'm just always having...
It would be nice having a config file rather than the command :)
I didn't change anything in the configure. What I mean is... in my case I want to make sure that it is using the right packages. Because conda sometimes installs...
Arrgh it still doesn't work :( [](
There is. The one in my local folder is empty. The one in the site-packages folder says this: ``` [channel] must_check_if_worker_is_up_to_date=0 use_python_interpreter=1 [data] output_data_root_directory=_amuse_output_data ```
This gives me the correct path: ``` In [5]: print(config.mpi.mpiexec) /opt/local/mpiexec ``` However, when I go into the debugger for the error I'm getting loading ph4 or any other code...
OK found that but looks ok to me too.