hi librdkafka team, we noticed that with java API the time to complete topic assignation process if at least twice as fast as to complete the assignation process in C++...
[bitnami/postgresql-ha] chart, second slave gets stuck waiting for primary node and CrashLoopBackOff
Hello @dgomezleon , thank you for your help :) i will try what you suggested with `postgresql.image.debug=true` and get back to you. Cheers.
[bitnami/postgresql-ha] chart, second slave gets stuck waiting for primary node and CrashLoopBackOff
Hi Bitnami community, Since I openned the ticket, I did not reproduce it after reinstalling my K8s cluster. I guess my problem was due to something wrong in my cluster...
Hi @antekresic , thank you for your answer. You are right with your solution. But it is not applicable in my case since I am using the bitnami chart which...