i uninstalled anaconda and used pew instead and every thing works fine ..
@pcgreat In your code i noticed that you feed the target (the sentiment ground truth) to the graph in the test method (model.py), can y explicate me why please ?
any solution for that please ?
i am trying to test over a new dataset. I trained the mlstm over my dataset using the code in "multiplicative LSTM language model in Tensorflow". This generates me a...
@jonnykira hello, I trained the model on my dataset, this generates me three files : model.data, model.index, model.meta How can i generates the 15 .npy weight files (0.npy, 1.npy, ...,...
Hello, Great ! thank you It works after changing the nbatch to 32 and nhidden to 128 in encoder.py I have to find the sentiment neuron now between [0,128] ...