
Results 7 comments of Nik

Sorry this doesn't fix it, I am still getting disconnected while cloning right after the Rakefile gets executed. I also tried [http] postBuffer = 524288000 sslVerify = false In my...

Is this fixed yet? Would love to use this lib since the other ones seem a bit bloated :)

@migueldeicaza I found the commit that introduces this Bug in Sonoma, its the deadlock fix here: Maybe a problem related to SwiftUI's drawing system, in relation to background threads?...

I fixed it with [this PR](, it's just a simple flag that needs to be set.

Just tried installing from your tap and got this error log: ``` ==> Installing evanpurkhiser/personal/keyfinder-cli dependency: libkeyfinde ==> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/libkeyfinder/v2.2.5 -S . -B build ==> cmake --build build --parallel 8...

Just to bump this, the performance issues persist and make this package unusable for me, sadly. Files over 50 lines of code start to get sluggish - typing, scrolling or...

@mchakravarty Sorry to respond so late. I had the time to test it this morning and performance drastically improved for me. Thank you!