Nicolas Karasiak
Nicolas Karasiak
Helllo, Could you try this in the Qgis python console : ``` from pip._internal import main as pip pip(['install', '--user', 'scikit-learn']) ```
Hello, How did you install Qgis in ubuntu ? Because normally dependences installed in Ubuntu (pip/sklearn in python...) are shared inside Qgis environment. I'm not an expert of this, but...
@Watxtract-Christina , do you find a way to install scikit-learn since ?
Hello @vidlb , Thanks for the feedback and for the solution ! @Watxtract-Christina and @ppopoca , if you still have scikit-learn issues (sklearn not found), can you type this in...
Hi, Can you tell me : 1) if it happens with the demo dataset ( 2) if it happens with GMM. If so, please try with knn or rf and...
I never tried it on OSX. When you open QGIS, run the Python Console ( and enter : `import sklearn` Does this generate an error ? If yes, scikit learn...
Hello Ken, Can you tell me what Qgis version are you using ? Did this work when you use the [sample dataset]( ? I just upload a new version on...
If you tried with samples data and with RF/GMM algorithms and if it works, could you please send me a little sample of your data (shape/raster) to test it on...
I try with the sample dataset with just the first band and it goes well. For the processing toolbox (with GMM), everything worked fine under Windows 7. ` Traceback (most...
Whatever you want. model.rf for example, or model.algo... It doesn't affect the process :)