Nicholas Thompson

Results 51 comments of Nicholas Thompson

@longwave I believe you confirmed the same behaviour on your Linux/Docker system (I was using OSX + Colima) when we discussed this in Slack yesterday afternoon?

@rfay is that because the containers network config would have changed? Is the `update` docker function helpful here?

Note: I can make the error go away by adding this to my `.env`: ``` JWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED=false ``` But this does not feel like a "fix"... This feels like I have...

Oh... This would do it... Why don't we care about those?

@Pokechu22 Thanks for the response. So for my needs (some context), the lack of furnace data in the downstream package due to it being excluded here means my little...

I have not yet - I found this bug late last night and confirmed it early this morning. I will try hooking up my iPad 3. The strange thing is,...

I have tried putting breakpoints inside the block (they dont get hit) - however I have not tried specifically on any touch handlers.

Ok just tried... ccTouchBegan and ccTouchMoved do not fire.

Ah ha! I have solved the "Stuck" slider problem... In my gameLayer.m I add a targeted delegate like this: ``` [[[CCDirector sharedDirector] touchDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self priority:-1 swallowsTouches:YES]; ``` At this very...

Just tried to run it on my iPad 3 while tethered to XCode... The game on options menu, idle, does 10% CPU and 60FPS (which is the cap). Dragging the...