Nils Jonsson

Results 31 comments of Nils Jonsson

This is an intriguing idea. htty has been called (somewhat questionably) a REPL. This would move it more in that direction.

Fair enough. I think a `back` command ought to be synonymous with `reuse N` where _N_ is the current `history` index minus 1. In this way, `back` would not issue...

Unfortunately not. You can get close, but note that your _htty_ session ends before you can issue commands to it: ``` $ echo "headers-set foo bar query-add baz qux" >~/.htty...

I’ve reproduced this and covered the failed behavior with a spec. It’s rooted in the fact that _htty_ has built-in support for HTTP Basic Authorization but nothing else. It assumes...

Yes, the use case you tried works fine, @favrik. If the header is an HTTP Basic Authorization header (i.e., its value begins with `Basic`) then it is retained. Other kinds...

What I had in mind when I opened this issue was to execute a `GET` upon startup and to compare the value of XPATH _/rubygem/version_ against [_HTTY::VERSION_]( Shelling out...

This area of the app has been the source of numerous issues (#55, #81, #87, #94). Will need to investigate further.