nick james
nick james
In a directory with a .git, `gl status` gives me: On branch gh-pages, repo-directory // Tracked files with modifications: ➜ these will be automatically considered for commit ➜ use gl...
as title
# import from no idea whether this would be possible or easy, but good to have from my pov.
followed the recipie but test.mid fails to play on celluloid and windows media player user@user-X553SA:~/devt/allTheMusic/atm-cli$ ~/atm gen single 'C:4,D:4,E:4,F:4,G:4,A:4,B:4,C:5' test.mid ::: INFO: Generating MIDI file from pitch sequence ::: INFO:...
### Details [22:15:28] Could not add database malformed database schema (tmpPersonResourcePage) - near "ORDER": syntax error; malformed database schema (tmpPersonResourcePage) - near "ORDER": syntax error; malformed database schema (tmpPersonResourcePage) -...