Muneeb Shaikh

Results 6 issues of Muneeb Shaikh

It would be great if `nasc` adds support for time(zone) conversion and enable arithmetic for it. e.g. `9:30 AM IST to UTC` And possibly simpler names for timezones to support...

help wanted

When I have horizontal split(the literal meaning, not emacs one) with `*elfeed-search*` and `*elfeed-entry*`, the modeline in the `*elfeed-search*` buffer isn't much useful as there's nice header.


mu4e has similar customization with following sample config. ``` elisp (setq mu4e-headers-fields '((:human-date . 8) (:flags . 6) (:maildir . 20) (:tags . 25) ;; (:mailing-list . 15) (:from ....

help wanted

#### Description :octocat: `org-mode` is broken. Opening an org file doesn't load the `org-mode`. I tried removing all org packages, restart emacs to let it install all the packages and...

Bug :-(
Found work-around

If you enter `*Helm Help*` buffer from helm using `C-c ?`, can't use normal `hjkl` for navigation. It's not evilified.


I use `ipython` as my `python-shell-interpreter`. When `helm-pydoc` is invoked, I only get `Help on unicode object:` in the documentation buffer no matter what I select. I tried following on...