The post by HrFlorianHoffmann advocating use of checked exceptions as default is a bit misguided because the provided example is actually one of the rare cases where a checked exception...
I'd be cautious with the raising section. I'm fine with declaring exceptions, as long as it's just a list of RAISE clauses from the method itself. If you start declaring...
What the API consumer needs to know is that something went wrong and perhaps an error message to display to the user. The consumer doesn't need or want to know...
> On the other hand, how do you handle the static check errors on the API consumer side? You don't want to directly use them as they'd force you to...
> Hmm, I would have said the consumer does want to know at least somewhat to be able to react differently. Propagate an insufficient authorization error up and just log...
Maybe let's start with simple things. Can we all agree that CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK is an oddity unknown in more civilised languages and it's always better to just use CX_NO_CHECK? To me...