Game works fine on latest commit in alpha-development branch, seems to be an old Cpp2IL issue AssetsTools fails to read game info at first but then uses a large class...
Try the same link, should work
Weird? I used latest 1.969 and Cpp2IL ran fine, is that a clean install of the game and MelonLoader?
Weird? I used latest 1.969 and Cpp2IL ran fine, is that a clean install of the game and MelonLoader?
早上好中国 现在我有冰淇淋 我很喜欢冰淇淋 但是 速度与激情9 比冰淇淋 速度与激情 速度与激情9 我最喜欢 所以…现在是音乐时间 准备 1 2 3 两个礼拜以后 速度与激情9 ×3 不要忘记 不要错过 记得去电影院看速度与激情9 因为非常好电影 动作非常好 差不多一样冰淇淋 再见
ok but :whentm:
For who's gonna look into this... It's a very old game made in 2014, Unity version is 4.6.5f1, AssetsTools.NET is failing, it only has the "mainData" file to read the...
you might want to ask @d-magit to do a PR to all my 3 repos updating the README
Working on an arm64 version, got it working with a very simple script, it's missing configuration and environment variables so I plan to publish tomorrow. The basic works though, steamcmd...