Josh Hunsaker
Josh Hunsaker
It looks like you have added some advice to the require function. The error is happening within the advice. Can you reproduce the error without the advice? Or even better,...
I am also using `use-package` to load `elscreen` and have seen no issues. Just tested with latest versions of `use-package` and `elscreen` to confirm. You will probably need to provide...
This error happened to me too when I modified my `mode-line-format`. Currently, `elscreen` assumes that `mode-line-format` contains `mode-line-position` at some point. I fixed it by waiting to modify my mode-line...
@tahir-hassan: I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of this extensions. The tabs are not intended to represent buffers. It is more like each tab represents a new emacs frame....
I see something similar when I have `(setq edit-server-new-frame nil)`. It kills the buffer but not the window (which is a separate issue), then it passes the text to chrome,...
Any updates on the status of this issue? Do the new helper functions make this any easier to implement?