
Results 6 comments of Nishit

Can you provide more information? are you getting an error? how are you running the program?

This is the expected output. if you run the file it will generate feature importance plot as you can see is what being called at the end of the...

you need to check your sklearn version. In the new sklearn version cross_validation has been deprecated. use "sklearn.model_selection" if you are using newer version.

make sure you run the function definition and then call the function. no need to worry about gensim as its not being used in the program at the moment. do...

Can you send an email to [email protected] with detailed steps on how you are running the program and screenshots? without seeing exact steps it is hard to debug for me....

Hello, I have that in my mind and will find some time over this weekend to look into this. sorry about the delay. Thanks Nishit On Tue, Jun 11, 2019...