I am facing same issue. Please suggest ?
Yes, I checked the log.... but no error or log is printed
Thanks @basheerpaliyathu ,I debug it by attaching the target to process and also by printing message on console. Yes, I have checked my "providerBundleIdentifier" that is correct
Hi @ss-abramchuk , i follow the Medium Tutorial ( ) and your github also and i have re-created project many times but always facing the same problem. Even it...
Thanks @ss-abramchuk for providing project. I check it with my project and i do it exactly same as yours but the result is still same "Connecting" and the "providerBundleIdentifier" is...
Hi @ss-abramchuk Thanks for your response. I debug it in my code by adding breakpoint and it works fine and I find that **OpenVPNAdapterDelegate** below method is called infinitely in...
Hi @ss-abramchuk I have resolved my issue. This issue is, when we get some error from server then try to reconnect VPN and it goes in infinite loop so it...
Hi @rakeshdev16 In my case i have some error at server end so it is throwing error as mention above by me. When get this error it goes to reconnect...
Hi @ss-abramchuk Thanks for your response. As i look in code "**routes configuration"** is done inside the library. All the properties of **NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings** is also set in library. So i...
@ss-abramchuk using this library can we implement active/in-active VPN while VPN is connected or we have only option i.e, disconnect the VPN ?