
Results 30 comments of R+

Encountered the same problem here. I also discovered a workaround for it: if you add `contenteditable="true"` to the `xterm-cursor-layer` element, it should pop the context menu for text editing tool...

Hi :D But bad news first: currently, Sshwifty does not save user login credentials on to the disk. Sshwifty will remember the password until the page is reloaded (refreshed). For...

Web browser is a dynamic and complex environment. Data stored inside a web browser might be accessible not only by Sshwifty, but also by extensions, injected scripts and services hosted...

Sorry, I've looked into the possibilities and unable to found a easy way to add such feature into Sshwifty in a generalized manner. The difficult part is automatic user login,...

Hey, do you mind if I put this on backlog? I'm planing to rewrite the entire software sometime in the future to improve it's quality and functionality, which should allow...

暂时无法对添加新功能表态,抱歉。 目前我的空闲时间都在另一个项目上,大概得等到那个项目完成之后再考虑回头改善Sshwifty的功能了。

Hi, The short answer I'm afraid is No. The limitation is actually not enforced by Sshwifty, instead it's a security policy implemented by the web browser (called [Secure contexts]). [Secure...

I presume it would work too, since Sshwifty is basically a webapp, and sslh is designed for SSH and HTTP(S). I'm glad that you resolved it, cheers :beer:

I'm currently working on another project of mine, which consumed almost all of my free time. However, I do have plan to add interactive login in the future, after the...

@pwFoo Only if the eToken works by generating a random number which user must read and submit during the authentication (KeyboardInteractive Authentication to be specific). It's hard to support a...