如果导出的excel数据量太大会导致浏览器假死,希望能加入web worker,将导出的操作放在worker中。这样也方便通过内置的接口来监听导出的进度,加快主线程中进度条的渲染速度,希望作者考虑一下。
support sendFile and sendStreamAsFile for Response, it is ok with workerman ,hope to provide an idea, ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils; class Response extends \yii\Psr7\web\Response { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function...
### What steps will reproduce the problem? The parameter identical of the method isAttributeChanged in class BaseActiveRecord has no effect when its value is false. ```php /** * Returns a...
### What steps will reproduce the problem? The method `allPopulate` in `ActiveQuery` will execute `populate ` twice during execution. Is this how it was designed or is it a bug...
> 使用 header.c 文件可以修改 php-beast 加密后的文件头结构,这样网上的解密软件就不能认识我们的加密文件,就不能进行解密,增加加密的安全性 原作者建议修改header.c的文件头结构,增加安全性,希望大神能发布php-beast的windows源码,不胜感激!