Karolis D
Karolis D
Is this on purpose? It seems to be available for FTP adapter. Is it possible to list a directory non-recursively?
When I share a volume using dperson/samba in rw mode, all existing files within that volume are chowned to user 100 and group 101. This messes up a lot of...
When I share a volume using dperson/samba in rw mode, all existing files within that volume are chowned to user 100 and group 101. This messes up a lot of...
According to [7.6 docs](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.6/search-request-body.html#request-body-search-track-total-hits), `track_total_hits` can be a bool or an integer. `ONGR\ElasticsearchDSL\Search` only allows bool.
As per [this ticket](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/47480#issuecomment-380514706), it would be nice to have MJML support inside twig templates.