Constantinos Nicolaou
Constantinos Nicolaou
@petretiandrea I get what you are saying! In my case is kind of critical since I am using motion and contact sensors for alarm system. If i set a high...
> @ninosnicolaou how did you change the interval? 
I "fixed" my issue. So I removed all my sensors from TP-Link Tapo integration and managed to get them into the Matter (beta) integration. Basically in Tapo App (due to...
> @ninosnicolaou do the smart buttons work in the Matter Beta integration (single tap/double tap/rotate cw/rotate ccw)? And if the do, do they work in HomeKit and HA? Homekit: Doesn't...
Mine as well keeps the same state for 1 minute. But this was the case with Tapo integration as well. I think it's a hassio thing to be honest. Also...
@doenau You can chance occupancy with motion and vice versa