Thanks for sharing the details Nathan! I have a couple of follow-up questions: 1. Will there be a noticeable difference between doing the magnetic calibration indoors vs in the field?...
Great! Thanks for the clarification. I'll do some tests in the next couple of days and close the bug once everything works fine.
You might want to increase the planner_patience parameter of the global planner. For large maps, if the planner cannot find a valid path within that time threshold, the robot will...
I am trying to make the MSP OSD implementation work with my pixhawk and PX4 but I don't see the OSD parameters in QGroundControl after installing the default firmware file....
Some updates - After compiling the PX4 firmware locally and enabling OSD : I can see the MSP_OSD_CONFIG parameter in QGC and set it to TELEM2. However, I still...