Nick Negretti
Nick Negretti
Thanks for the test data! I'll see if I can get channels working this weekend. Before I forget to ask, would I be able to include all of these test...
In the latest commit to the dev branch, I've handled the situation where the image is ultimately read in one big block - that really helped with the speed. Try...
Version 0.6.1 is up with `get_plane(display_dims=None, c=0, requested_dims=None)`. There is an issue with specifying arbitrary `display_dims` that needs to be solved, but I think it is related to #19. The...
Hi Dirk, Thanks for the detailed report! I've been meaning to learn napari for some other projects anyway, it looks extremely useful. From your pictures, I can't quite tell what's...
This bug has really eluded me for a while! I think I finally have some sense of what is different between these two captures - but I'm not sure how...
New branch with a fix: As I'm working on this, I suspect that this fix will solve nearly all of the common use cases. I would be curious if...
This fix is already in the 0.6.4 release! The fix initially caused an unfortunate bug in 0.6.3, so I really appreciate the extra test files. Closing this for now as...
Thanks for helping me check these updates and for the example! I'll take a look.
Hi Dirk, Thanks for the nudge - work has been a little overwhelming lately, but I think I will be able to carve out time to fix this soon. I...
Hello, currently multi-wavelength images aren't supported - although the functionality is almost done! If you need this right now, look at #14 and the development branch. The dev branch is...