Is it possible to deploy the build app to a Netweaver ABAP Server? There is [gulp-nwabap-ui5uploader]( to deploy to ABAP server, but your gulp config generates a folder with random...
@fuchsvomwalde this was blazing fast ^^ i do have access to an ABAP system tomorrow and will provide feedback as fast as i tried the new branch. cheers 🖖
Tried the deployment and got this error. `[09:06:26] Error in plugin 'gulp-nwabap-ui5uploader' Message: Source contains paths outside of root` I think it has something to do with references of some...
@RandomByte @matz3 are there any docs out there to get started with plugin development at the moment?
Error still exists. Will this be fixed or do we have to switch to not-brew installed `jabba`?