Thanks for your respond, now this is my /usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/resty/waf/collections.lua : ``` local _M = {} local base = require "resty.waf.base" local logger = require "resty.waf.log" local request = require "resty.waf.request"...
> > > can you share : modsecurity.conf and debug? I haven't any error in debug! The response won't process even without loading modsecurity.conf, anyway : modsecurity.conf: ``` # --...
> can you share : modsecurity.conf and debug? This issue occurs without loading modsecurity.conf too! It doesn't depend on this! There isn't any error in debug. Everything works fine and...
Thanks for your time, but I think your tests are changing the subject! The configuration I wrote in the beginning is fine! It works like a charm! Our problem is...
Hi Jeff I tested NGINX with OWASP ModSecurity, I didn't find any problem with response rules! I tested nginx-1.14.2 and modsec crs v3.1.0-rc2; response rules are successfully worked!
Recording would be helpful, it might clarify some ambiguities! Thanks for sharing...