Nils Reiter
Nils Reiter
This is related to deleting things in the search window, can't reproduce though.
> immer, wenn ich mehrere markiere und dann auf »zu einer bestehenden Entität« hinzufügen oder »eine neue Entität kreieren« klicke, hängt es sich auf.
The program often doesn't really crash, but takes a long time. No real crashes after adding log messages.
This is really annoying and should be fixed.
Sorry, I am not sure. I added an auto-save function that works on a different thread, maybe it continued to save? The problem with this problem is that it's not...
Do you have an example how this looks like in TEI?
Current idea: Enrich XMI file → export to CSV → analyse with Excel
Isn’t this what the CSV export shows?
For 1.15.x, I cannot reproduce the problem. The class is there and found. Which command did you use exactly?
Cool, that's the kind of issue I like :-)