Nils Hörrmann

Results 166 comments of Nils Hörrmann

@fabianmichael, what's the status of this plugin? Are there still plans for a Kirby 3 compatible version?

Thanks for the offer. We are mostly interested in quote, apostrophe and dash handling – hyphenation has not been that important for us so far :)

I started a little experiment yesterday, if I can get the latest version of [PHP Typography]( running in Kirby 3 and created a simple plugin that takes an array of...

I'll check that out, thanks!

I noticed that same with Prettier 2.7.1 and Prettier PHP 0.18.9: It looks to me as if the spaces added at the beginning of each line should actually be tabs....

Shouldn't be that hard to fix, I guess.

> do you think it's safe to append event.stopPropagation(); to each callback for the duplicator and collapsable interfaces + backend.views.js No, I don't think so. Might work if applied to...

Well, testing the UI … that's really not a strength of Symphony. A lot of room for improvement here. Check out other areas of the system and extensions: - the...

> I am as upset as @brendo when it comes to promoting page-based thinking. I really understand him, and I also think that @nathanhornby's approach is terribly wrong. Really. I...

No, I don't agree on that because the interface is meant to be readable and handles are there for technical reasons. But it's for this reason I wasn't fond of...