
Results 30 comments of nillebor

thanks for your quick response. i have been using sqlite and baikal with over 4000 entries for years, also on the dietpi. the databases work very much the same, but...

`i would still like a small change: backup is currently done daily, a weekly, month or selection of days I would find better as an option automatic update without login,...

look at the donation link, there you will find an email address that you can write to. jerome schneider is the old dev. i would not take the page as...

please test: http://dav.lan/dav.php User + Pass

what is this error in english? yellow button

when you enter the url; http://dav.lan/dav.php in the browser (firefox,chrome) comes comes an input field? user & pass is right?

thunderbird should also work. i just tested it 2 times which version of thunderbird are you using? i'm on 91.9.0 release (portable)

same Cardbook plugin, but i use portable 32bit version windows, linux or apple?

that the users could change the password without admin would be very nice. even better would be an option: users can create an accpount for themselves with name and password....

that would be a nice add-on, I have 2 calendars myself where it would be appropriate. I manually move the entries by hand in outlook and sync to baikal.