This unusual way of writing a dependent pair: ``` module TT let test (a: Type) (b: (a → Type)) (y: (v: a) & b v) = () ``` is accepted...
- [x] Move all modules to use the PCM-based memory model (Nik) - [x] Revise the formulation of frame preservation and remove the assume Steel.Effect.Atomic.witness_h_exists (Aseem) - [ ] Add...
This may be related to the unfolding behavior of vprops. Could it be remedied by using strict_on_arguments? ``` module AVP open FStar.Ghost open Steel.FractionalPermission open Steel.Memory open Steel.Effect.Atomic open Steel.Effect...
When writing Steel specifications in selector style, the specifications themselves need to be framed. Consider this: First some general scaffolding for a test case, defining an abstract indexed vprop `p...
Consider this program: ``` module Repro open Proj assume val t : nat -> Type0 noeq type test = { x:nat; y:t x; } %splice[x_of_test; y_of_test] (mk_projs (`%test) ["x_of_test"; "y_of_test"])...
We have in several related branches a prototype implementation of the miTLS memory model (private link) To merge this into the no_hsl branch of miTLS the following work items...
The end of TLSConstants defines a type called config. It contains both - ordinary configuration data - and application callbacks, e.g., ticket_callback, nego_callback, etc. This is passed to create a...
Within TLS, there are several uses of internally determined encryption constructions. For instance, to represent PSK identifiers, we choose an encrypted blob `{ PSK keyid info }K-seal` to represent a...