The reason inversion on inductives like option is guarded by ifuel is to avoid polluting the solver's context with disjunctions. For single constructor inductives, like tuples, there are no disjunctions---so...
> Of course, for truly "inductive" inductives, like list, omitting the ifuel guard on typing inversion will lead to infinitely many inversions really flooding the context with case splits. @aseemr...
> I guess it would be interesting to test what would happen if the inversion of single-constructor inductives (e.g. tuples, records) were not guarded by ifuel. This is what I'm...
hi @TWal, I have an F* branch `nik_3076` that is green on the F* repo. It removes fuel guards on inversions of single-constructor types. Your examples are captured in `tests/bug-reports/Bug3076.fst`...
That's also a surprise to me ... I do recall that we disable zeta in the bodies of unreduced matches (to prevent loops) but not sure why other delta reduction...
for the moment, i'd be happy to just have a way to suppress these warnings
it seems like disabling company-mode for fstar-mode.el at least made these warnings go away for now.
I created `FStar/examples/demo/low-star/Test.fst` with this content: ``` module Test open Demo.Deps let test l (src dest:lbuffer l uint8) : ST _ _ _ = () ``` And then interacted like...
thank you!
I turned company-mode off, in fstar-enabled-modules and did apply and save. This didn't seem to make the warning go away. But, then I restarted emacs (and checked that company-mode was...