
Results 14 issues of nikmauro

Hello it's possible to set in rule default value? [lang:language='en'] ``` php $router = new AltoRouter(); $router->setBasePath(); $router->addMatchTypes(array('lang' => '[A-Za-z]{2}')); $router->map('GET', '/', '', 'home'); $router->map('GET', '/[lang:language]/rss', '', 'rss'); echo $router->generate('rss');...


```PHP Date::setLocale('nl'); echo Date::now()->format('l j F Y H:i:s'); // zondag 28 april 2013 21:58:16 echo Date::parse('-1 day')->diffForHumans(); // 1 dag geleden //$date = new Date('2000-01-31', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Brussels')); exit(); ``` Fatal...

hello i have problem with tinymce editor i use the global plugin, this code not working inside tinymce, any suggestion? ``` JS Mousetrap.bindGlobal(['ctrl+s', 'command+s'], function (e) { if (e.preventDefault) {...

Alphabank e commerce logo

new icon

Masterpass ico more details here

new icon

Conflict dont working with UIkit framework, color picker modal open empty

Hello how it possible to check if worker'(s) is running and how many workers running? How to stop a worker. How to start worker in single mode?, [if worker is...

Hello i have implement this class with no success. Here my code, no errors, no warnings, only blank screen. ``` PHP require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); use Moltin\Cart\Cart; use Moltin\Cart\Storage\Session; use Moltin\Cart\Identifier\Cookie; function shopping_items()...

Hello, i have multiple markers and i want with mouse over to find focus market top level. Who to find the highest marker Zindex? ```JS this.addListener('mouseover', function () { var...

Hello how it posible to change the default text "Image" if alt or data-caption not exist?