Niklas Saers

Results 18 comments of Niklas Saers

I can reproduce something similar in the example that comes with GMImagePicker. I compile on my phone, select the camera roll and scroll down as far as I get. All...

@gankac : No, I haven't come further with it.

(of course, I could be heading down the entirely wrong path here. If I only compile OpenSSL using [marcelosalloum/OpenSSL-for-iPhone]( with targets "ios-sim-cross-i386 ios64-cross-arm64 ios-cross-armv7s ios-cross-armv7 mac-catalyst-x86_64", they import just fine....

Hi @Jan-E , Thanks for your input. Making a framework with only the simulator part (--platform=iphoneos --archs="x86_64") and macOS part makes the iOS binary that is dependent on arm64 not...

I have made a demo catalyst app with OpenSSL integrated fine and the libssh2.a compiled as described above: [](

Thanks a lot, @Jan-E , great find with the CFLAGS and thanks for explaining how to use them. I'll follow your lead here and see what I can find out

Wonderful, checking it out and will report back! :-)

Wonderful work. My initial report is that it's working well! :-) I'll look into getting the simulator back up and running. In the catalyst world we could probably reduce build...

Thanks. I didn't manage that, but I made one target that contained the catalyst binary and one target that contained the simulator binary, and then worked around it that way...

I should probably add that I also get this for cells that are visible, but that were invisible a little while ago